Monday, December 8, 2008

Read The media #2

The next article I evaluated is from CNN and it is one talking about how Gaurdsmen and contractors are suing a company for not informing them about chemicals at a site they worked at in Iraq

Is the information in a given article accurate?
The Information is this article is accurate
Is there missing context that might undermine the premise of a given article or television segment? There is not missing context that read that would undermine this premise of the article.However is doesn't give any response from the company that is being sued in their defense. It would have been a better article if they would have gotten responses from the company or people outside the people suing.
Which experts are quoted--and, in turn, who isn't allowed to give their opinion what does this leave out? The experts that are quoted in this are the layers for the gaurdsmen and contractors The only opposing view that is presented is a spokes woman from the company being sued. The actual CEOs of the company arent heard in this article.
Is the selected media simply reinforcing the status quo on a given topic, even though there may be no reason to assume that it is correct? The media isnt supporting the status quo because persaonally i didnt know about the issue and neither did many other people.
Why werent CEOs interview? Maybe becausethey didnt want to give out any information about the lawsuit.

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