Sunday, November 16, 2008

Watching the Watchdog

In the article,"Who is Watching the Watchdog?" by John Dunbar, Dunbar discusses a theories of "the spinning door," "Frequent Flying," and "Whats occurs Behind Closed Doors."

The Spinning Door Theory, refers to Federal Government employees that will occasionally leave their jobs with the government and move on to work in an area that they formerly represented. This could become a problem because the government employees could take with them some "Insider Information" that they received during the previous job and carry it over to their new job. Only Government employees working in high positions are required to follow a set of rules once they start working in the industry.

Next, Dunbar discusses the theory of "Frequent Flying." This refers to FCC officials who attend industry events
are then treated extravagantly by the companies that they work for. This becomes an ethical issue for the companines. The FCC officials would more likely be bias towards companies that treat them better.

Lastly, Dunbar discussed the theory of "What Occurs Behing Closed Doors." This Theory is discussing the companies that meet with the FCC behind closed doors frequently when discussing media ownership rules. Since these meeting occur "off the record" the public has no knowledge of what occurrs during these meetings.

Chairman Powell says that the industrys influence on the FCC has at times gone too far. This is absolutely true.The media affects every part of our society today. the media dictated the trends in fashion,music, sports as well as many other things. I do think that there are cartain things that can be done to the media help protect the publics intrest .

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